Joelle Leclaire, PhD
Professor & Chair, Department of Economics & Finance Cassety Hall 246Phone: (716) 878-4108
Email: leclaijj@buffalostate.edu
Joelle Leclaire, PhD's profile

Atta A. Ceesay, PhD
Associate Dean Rockwell Hall 222Phone: (716) 878-6326
Email: ceesayaa@buffalostate.edu
Atta A. Ceesay, PhD's profile

Ikhee Cho, PhD
Assistant Professor Cassety Hall 248Phone: (716) 878-4606
Email: choi@buffalostate.edu
Ikhee Cho, PhD's profile

Frederick Floss, PhD
Professor Cassety Hall 347Phone: (716) 878-3735
Email: flossfg@buffalostate.edu
Frederick Floss, PhD's profile

Suparna Soni, PhD
MPA and Public Administration Program Director & Associate Professor Cassety Hall 248Phone: (716) 878-4606
Email: sonis@buffalostate.edu
Suparna Soni, PhD's profile
Kenneth H. Stone, MPA
Lecturer Cassety Hall 202Phone: (716) 878-6116
Email: stonekh@buffalostate.edu
Kenneth H. Stone, MPA's profile

Laurie A. Buonanno, PhD
Professor & Public Administration Coordinator Cassety Hall 248Phone: (716) 878-5037
Email: buonanl@buffalostate.edu
Laurie A. Buonanno, PhD's profile